electric inverter afr gain and frequency

  ELECTRIC INVERTER carrier frequency is 2 k Hz . 1:carrier frequency is the setting of c 6-0 1. 2: carrier frequency is 5 k Hz  electric inverter  carrier frequency of the inverter of 400 v is 2.5  Hz ) 185 ~ 300 kw .normally electric inverter is not necessary to change this setting , fine … Read more

digital systems

    DIGITAL SYSTEMS INPUT OPTION OF INVERTER. To set the input method of digital command card . 0: bcd . 1% 1: bcdo . 1% 2: bcdo. 01% unit 3: bcd 1Hz unit. 4:bcdo . 1 Hz unit 5:bcdo. 1Hz unit . 6: bcd special setting (5-digital input) . 7: binary system. note: when … Read more

working of inverter

FUNCTION TABLE OF MULTI FUNCTION  INPUT (H1). 0: 3 line system program control (forward / reverse command ). 1: local / remote selection (on operator off parameter setting). 2: selection / inverter selection (on is optional ). 3: when h3 – 05 ( multi functional multi speed command 1 analog input function selection ) is … Read more

inverter dc to ac

Finding the Best Inverter Dc to Ac inverter dc to ac Inverter Dc to Ac – Overview Generally, as soon as an inverter is in over-power mode, it simply suggests that it’s going to sacrifice the surplus power. There are not any inverters used inside the computer system. The smallest inverters are somewhat more portable … Read more

inverter panel

PANEL/REMOTE SETTING VALUE 1. OFF:To select frequency command (b1-01) and operation command (b1-02). ON : Set frequency command/operation command by digital operator . To switch the input method between frequency command and operation command . To switch only at the stop of inverter . Once  the function was set digital keyboard operation method selection key … Read more


  SETTING OF INVERTERS. No Name                                 Description Setting range Factory setting Change during operation Control methods v/f v/f with pg Open loop vector Flux vector L2-02 Momentary power loss ride thru time This setting is valid only when constant l 2-01 is set to 1. Set the power loss ride thru time in seconds. … Read more


    inverter,s stall functions inverter stall prevention selection during running. inverter stall prevention function selection during operation. 0 : non effective . 1 : effective deceleration time 1. 2 : effective deceleration time 2. how to make inverter when inverter setting 1 or 2 enabled is selected deceleration is started if the current of … Read more

440 volt inverter

    Moniter selection after power up when the inverter is started, please set the item need to displey 1:frequency command 2:frequency command. 3:output current 4:the displayed item set by o1-01. note: when the inverter is started, to display the frequency command in data displaying part (when factory setting is available) when the inverteris started, … Read more


THE SELECTION OF OUTPUT REACTOR OF INVERTER When the output reactor of inverter cable is long the current change of the module will lead to capacitive current .then trip the inverter its output reactor of inverter. the big current of.the output could cause the inverters trip . in this cause , the output reactor is … Read more