USING OF DC INVERTER dc inverter is a frequency device  use of dc inverter for control the motors speed frequency and volts. its convert dc solar volts in ac power DC INVERTER CAUTION do not drop the lead wire stub or screw in the solar inverter. other vise it may damage the solar dc inverter! … Read more


this becomes the gain to compensate for slip caused by motor temperature variation when motor,the temperature rise by converting it into slip compensation of inverter. its show inverters value. SLIP COMPENSATION GAIN OF INVERTER this function is used to improve speed accuracy when operating with a load .setting range is 0.0~2.5 and factory setting is … Read more


THE SELECTION OF OUTPUT REACTOR OF INVERTER When the output reactor of inverter cable is long the current change of the module will lead to capacitive current .then trip the inverter its output reactor of inverter. the big current of.the output could cause the inverters trip . in this cause , the output reactor is … Read more