inverter torque system

torque detection selection 1.

to set the torque detection function 0:overtorque detection disabled.1:detection during speed gree only/
operation continuos after detection (minor fault) 2:detection during run /operation continuous after
detection (minor fault) 3:etection during speed only/inverter output is shut off after detection(fault)
4:detection during run/inverter output is shut off after detection (fault)

torque detection level 1

vector control: motor rated torque is set as 100% v/f control. inverter’s rated current is taken as 100%
to adjust this constant please referee to h6-04~06.

torque detection time 1

sets the torque detection time in unit of seconds. to adjust this constant please refer to h6-04~06.

torque detection slection 2

set the function of over torque detection 0:over torque detection is disabled. 1: continue to operate
in detection or after detection at speed agree. 2:continue to operate in or after detection during operation
3:cut the output (protection action) in or after detection at speed agree. 4:cut the output (protection action)
in or after detection during operation  please see h6-04~06

torque detection level 2

vector control: motor torque is taken as 100% v/f control:motor rated current is taken as 100%.please see

torque detection time 2

used to set the time of overtorque detection,in unit of second. please see h6-04~06.
torque detection selection 1:multi-function output “torque detection selection 1″no/nc. torque detection
2:multi-function output “torque detection selection 2″no/nc.when the overload is added, the output
current(or output torque) increment is detected.the setting in the torque detection selection constants
(l6-01 and l6-04) determine whether torque conditions will be detect and what kind of processing will be
performed if a over torque conditions is detected.when over the torque detection is enabled,be sure to set
the overtorque detection level (l6-02 or l6-05)and the over torque detection time (l6-03 or l6-06).
an overtorque condition is detected when the current exceeds the over torque detection level for
longer than the over torque detection time. the over torque detection level settings depend on the controll or flux vector control:set as a percentage of the motor rated torque.normal v/f or v/f with
p/g feed back control: et as a percentage of the inverter rated current.any of the following functions can be
set in a multifunction output (h2-01,h2-02,or h2-03)to indicate fact that an over torque conditions has been
detected. setting b:over torque detection 1 (no).setting 18:over torquedetection 2 (no).
setting 17:over torque detection 1 (nc).setting 19:over torque detection 2 (nc).

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