Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

    forward torque limit

    set the torque limit values as a percentage of the motor rated torque.four indevidual
    regions can be set.

    reverse torque limit

    note: torque limits can be set seperately for the 4 ways that torque can be applied: forward
    torque,reverse torque,forwards generative torque,and reverse generative torque.

    forward regenerative torque limit

    show the relationship between each constant and output torque to set the torque limit.

    reverse generative torque limit

    when the torque limit function is used, the torque limit have priority and motor speed
    control and compasation will be disregarded, so the accelaration/deceleration might be
    lengthened and motor speed might be reduced.

    protect selection for internal DB resister (type ERF)

    to set the pro tection function of hardware. 0: disabled. (select 0 when a breaking resistor
    is n’t being used or a braking resister unit is being used.) 1:enabled. (protects the
    brakins resiter from overheating.)

    overheat pre-alarm level

    constant l8-02 specify the detection temperature in ‘C for the inverter overheating (oh)
    pre-alarm function. note: an overheat pre-alarm occurs when the temperature of the
    cooling fins reaches this level.

    operation selection after overheat prealarm

    constant l8-03 specifies the processing that will be performed when and over head prealarm
    occurs. 0:decelerate to a stop in the deceleration time set in c1-02.(protection operation:
    faults contact operate).1: coast to stop.(protectio operation: faults contact operate)
    2:emergency stop in the emergency stop time set in the c1-09.(protection operation: fault
    contacts operate)3:continues operation.(alarm:moniter display only.) note:constant l8-02
    specifies the detection temperature in ‘C for the overheat(oh) prealarm function. an
    overheat prealarm occurs when the temperature of the cooling fins reaches this level.
    constant l8-03 specifie the processing that will be performed when an over-heat (0h1)
    is detected as a protection function at 105_c.

    input open phase protection selection

    input open-phase protection selection 0:disabled 1:enabled.(detects input power
    supply open-phase, 3-phase imbalance, or deterioration of the main cicuit capacitor.)
    note: this function detects changes in the main circuit dc voltage which indicate a power
    supple open phase,large imbalance in the power supply voltage, or deterioration of the main
    circuit capacitor.

    output open phase protection selection
    output open-phase protection selection 0: disabled. 1: effection enabled.(detects an
    output open-phase at fever than 10% of the inverters rated output currents.)note:
    when inverter’s capacity is smaller than the motor’s power,and fault detection will occur.
    lease set it as “0” (disabled)
    ground protection selection
    0:disabled 1:enabled
    carrier frequency reduction selection
    carrier frequency reduction selection 0: fix the carrier frequency 1:reduce the carrier
    2:ol2( for factory setting) 3:current limit (for factory setting) note:when low frequency
    (under 6xz) motor give metal sound( carrier sound),pleaseset l8-17=0(no carrier frequency
    reduction),l8-19 (ol2characteristics al low speed selection)=1 (effective)V/F control
    without PG, please do not set both l8-17 and l8-19to be 0.
    0l2 cheracteristics selection at low speeds
    cheracteristics at low speed. 0: disabled 1: enabled note: at low frequency (6hz), ol2
    jumps even load is low. in this case please set the l8-17=1 with carrier frequency
    reduction) l8-19 (low speed o12 cheracteristics selection) to be disabled).but for
     the inverter with 400V,185-300kw, please do not set l8-09 to be 0. V/V control
    vector control without pg, please do not set both l8-17,l8-19 to be 0. in the occation of
    vector control with pg and low-speed high-load continuos operation. please reduce the
    carrier frequency (c6-01)to be 2khz.
    monitor selection.
    in operation mode, to set the code no . of the monitored iteme by filling oo in “u1-00”).
    in operation mode , the frequency reference output frequency ,output current and output
    voltage can be monitored immediately if the factory setting are bieng used. one of these
    four values, the output voltage, can be changed to a different value. when you want to
    monitor a value other than the output voltage, set that number in constant o1-01.
    use the last two digits from the “u1 monitor” list (u1-jj) to select a value.

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