How To Make Electricity Generator New Experiment | 22 KW 220 Volt Electricity Generator
Hello everyone, welcome to my website. Today we are going to make a 22 Volt electricity generators .
We will use 72 Volt BLDC electric wheels to create this electricity generator. The power of this wheel is 72 Volts and 3000 Watts. Usually it is used in electric cars and it’s a very powerful electric wheel, Because it has magnets that’s why it generates more output from the minimum amount of input source.
In this experiment we will check this electric wheel’s power from this, the electric wheel is of 3000 watts but it tends a 22 KW Generator to rotate or as you can say it tends a 22kw generator to generate electricity.
If we will use a 3000W AC motor instead of this then it will not work as we already did this experiment. But if we use 6 solar panels of 500 watts then it will work perfectly. In today’s experiment we just run it from a 60 volt DC current. But the shocking thing is that we will try to create a free energy generator from this energy generator and if it succeeds we will then share it with you.
Precautions :
If you are not an electrical engineer then don’t try. because it could be dangerous for you. You should be careful if you do this type of experiment